BITE Club II is a case presentation-focused program, with some hands-on sessions related to Implant Treatment Planning, Materials & Methods for Atraumatic Extraction, Ridge Preservation, Suturing and more instruction on implant surgery.

Once you complete your first year with us, you can choose to transition from our course-based BITE I to our study club-based BITE II and receive regular feedback on your patient cases as well as be involved in discussion on a variety of other implant restorative cases.
General outline of the BITE Club II curriculum:
- Bone physiology and healing
- Graft and membrane options
- Atraumatic extractions and complications
- Ridge preservation techniques
- Suturing workshop
- Intro to PRP/PRF
We will include hands-on workshops during year 2 and onwards to reinforce learned concepts.

looking for something more ambitious than BITE Club II?
check out the AAID Vancouver MaxiCourse for more info on our
year-long, 300-hour CE implant dentistry surgical residency program