Our Implant Restorative Study Club Curriculum, carefully designed with your learning in mind
Session Structure – 2.5 hours CE per session
Modular Sessions for Maximal Learning

1. “A Journey into the Realm of Dental Implants” | Introduction
- Overview of dental implants and their history
- Comparison of dental implants to other tooth replacement options
- The anatomy of a dental implant and its components
- Basic terminology of dental implantology
2. “Don’t get screwed” | Treatment Planning for Dental Implants
- Patient selection and evaluation for dental implants
- The importance of proper treatment planning and case presentation
- Diagnostic aids and imaging modalities for dental implants
- Understanding the surgical and prosthetic phases of dental implant treatment
3. “Picture this” | Understanding Implant Placement Surgery
- Surgical techniques for dental implant placement
- Proper implant positioning and angulation for optimal prosthetic outcome
- Implant stability and primary stability
- Immediate implant placement and loading options
4. “Implantenclature, it’s a mouthful!” | Implant Prosthetics: Components and Materials
- Introduction to prosthetic components of dental implants
- Abutments and their types, materials, and selection
- Prosthetic materials and their properties
- Understanding the occlusal considerations of implant prosthetic
A single in-person session for three hands-on workshops | March 9, 2024
5. “Captivating Techniques for Implantastic Restorations” | Impression Techniques
- Various impression techniques for implant restorations
- Importance of accurate impressions for implant restorations
- Tips for impression material selection and handling
- Introduction to digital impression techniques for implant restorations
6. “Implant Couture” | Prosthetic Design and Fabrication of Implant Restorations
- Introduction to various prosthetic designs for implant restorations
- Screw-retained vs. cement-retained implant restorations
- Introduction to CAD/CAM and 3D printing technologies for implant restorations
- Steps for proper prosthetic fabrication and delivery of implant restorations
7. “Implantopia’s Troubleshooters” | Maintenance and Complications of Implant Restorations
- Introduction to implant maintenance and hygiene protocols
- Prevention and management of implant complications
- Common implant complications and their management
- Peri-Implantitis – Current trends in management and treatment.
- Long-term follow-up and maintenance of implant restorations

Click on the Schedule tab for more information on when the study club meets!
Be sure to visit www.cditc.ca for information about our other course offerings.